Texting Culture

Text messaging is now 25 years old

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in Texting Culture

Did you know that the first text message was sent 25 years ago? Engineer Neil Papworth sent "Merry Christmas" to Vodafone Director Richard Jarvis on December 3, 1992. Neil Papworth was part of the team developing a Short Message Service Centre (SMSC) for Vodafone UK. He was assigned to test the software originally intended to be used as a paging service. Little did they know that text messaging [...]

Vince and Kath textserye now has a movie

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in Texting Culture

The first textserye, Vince and Kath, which became viral earlier this year has been made into a movie. It is entitled Vince & Kath & James and it will be shown in cinemas on December 25, 2016 starring Joshua Garcia as Vince, Julia Barretto as Kath and Ronnie Alonte as James. It is directed by Theodore Boborol  [...]

Mahal Kita Kasi by Nicole Hyala (with lyrics)

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in Texting Culture

Have you been receiving cheesy love text messages like, "Bangin ka ba, kasi nahuhulog na ako sayo"? You might probably be hearing more of these anytime soon from a new song entitled "Mahal Kita Kasi" by Nicole Hyala, which is made up mostly of pick up lines that originated from text messages. You can find [...]

Catholics urged to give up texting for Lent

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in Texting Culture

The Catholic Church are urging believers to give up text messaging for Lent as well as abstain from other forms of virtual entertainment such as TV, Facebook, and iPods. The Bishop of Modena, Benito Cocchi, said that 'No SMS for Lent' was an ideal way for 'young people to detox from the virtual world and get back in [...]

Christmas Text Messages

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in Texting Culture

It's Christmas once again and it's the time of the year when we send the most number of text messages for greetings and wishes. Here are some of the Christmas text messages we can send to family and friends! Greetings (Text Message #182) May the season of Love & Peace Joy & Laughter Care & [...]

Textspeak in the Philippines

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in Texting Culture

Textspeak is a kind of language commonly used in text messaging where the words are abbreviated to fit the 160-character limit. In the Philippines, textspeak is done by disregarding vowels, retaining some consonants and replacing syllables with numerals. Many people today find it convenient to use textspeak when [...]

Different types of texters in the Philippines

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in Texting Culture

We have different types of texters here in the Philippines. Some are active, some are passive and some are just actively forwarding text quotes. Below are the different types of texters in the Philippines based on how often they text and the kinds of text messages they send. Energetic Texters - those who are very [...]

Sossy Inday rises to fame, reaching celebrity status

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in Texting Culture

Inday, who has been quite popular in the texting community for the past several months, now has gained attention in the mainstream media, reaching celebrity status. Inday, also known as Sossy Inday or Inday Sosyal, is a fictional character portrayed in several text jokes as a nanny who answers in formal English [...]

Ederlyn, the first fictional character to gain fame on SMS

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in Texting Culture

These days people from the texting community are fascinated by the jokes of Inday. But are you aware of the fact that before Inday, there was another fictional character, by the name of Ederlyn that was already famous in several SMS jokes? The first Ederlyn text joke consists of an invitation for her birthday party. [...]

Text messaging still preferred over voice calls, email and IMs

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in Texting Culture

In the Philippines, almost every Filipino owns a cellphone and text messaging has become a part of their daily lives. They use it to say something urgent, engage in a small chat, send a joke, give a short inspirational advice, or simply leave a reminder. The increased use of SMS among Filipinos started when [...]

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