
Red Mobile

Red Mobile closes its doors as part of PLDT-Digitel deal

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in SMS Industry

Red Mobile, also known as CURE (Connectivity Unlimited Resource Enterprises Inc.), which is a subsidiary of PLDT, will finally be closing its doors by the end of the month as confirmed by PLDT President Napoleon Nazareno. Red Mobile has a total of 1.3 million subscribers, and so far, about 85% or 1.1 million subscribers has already been migrated to Smart, another subsidiary of PLDT. [...]

PLDT-Digitel deal finally approved by NTC

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in SMS Industry

Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. (PLDT) has finally completed its delayed takeover of rival Digital Telecommunications Philippines, Inc. (Digitel) after securing the much-awaited approval from National Telecommunications Commissions (NTC). PLDT, partly owned by Hong Kong's First Pacific Co Ltd [...]

Red Mobile now compatible with 2G phones

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in SMS Industry

Red Mobile, which was initially introduced to operate only on 3G mobile phones, has now been made available to 2G handsets. "By expanding the scope of our services to 2G handsets, more consumers among the estimated 14 to 16 million Filipino mobile phone users will enjoy the competitive rates offered by our [...]

Introducing Red Mobile

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in SMS Industry

Red Mobile is the new brand name replacing Umobile owned by CURE telecom that uses 3G network to make calls and send text messages. CURE is owned by Smart Communications. Important things to know about Red Mobile: Red Mobile SIM is now available on selected retail outlets for P 39. Prefix number is 0938. [...]

Umobile to relaunch as Red Mobile

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in SMS Industry

This morning, I saw an advertisement on TV saying something like, “Red Mobile, coming soon”. I didn't know what it was until this afternoon when I got a call from Umobile (9811500) telling me that they have changed their name to Red Mobile. They will send me a new Red Mobile SIM for FREE anytime from Nov 16 to 20. [...]

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