

Introducing Red Mobile

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in SMS Industry

Red Mobile is the new brand name replacing Umobile owned by CURE telecom that uses 3G network to make calls and send text messages. CURE is owned by Smart Communications. Important things to know about Red Mobile: Red Mobile SIM is now available on selected retail outlets for P 39. Prefix number is 0938. [...]

Umobile to relaunch as Red Mobile

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in SMS Industry

This morning, I saw an advertisement on TV saying something like, “Red Mobile, coming soon”. I didn't know what it was until this afternoon when I got a call from Umobile (9811500) telling me that they have changed their name to Red Mobile. They will send me a new Red Mobile SIM for FREE anytime from Nov 16 to 20. [...]

How I got a Umobile SIM

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in SMS Industry

After finding out about ümobile, I found a way how to get a ümobile SIM. Here's what I did: First, I sent an email to ümobile Customer Service (customerservice [at] and asked for an invite code. (July 2, Wednesday, 4:30pm). Then next morning, ümobile Customer Service sent me an invite [...]

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