How I got a Umobile SIM

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in SMS Industry

Notice: I cannot send invites anymore as of September 12, 2008

After finding out about ümobile, I found a way how to get a ümobile SIM. Here’s what I did:

First, I sent an email to ümobile Customer Service () and asked for an invite code. (July 2, Wednesday, 4:30pm). Then next morning, ümobile Customer Service sent me an invite code.

Umobile invite code

We’re so happy that you want to be part of our ümobile family! And as requested, here’s your invite code: xxxxxxxxxxx

Now all you have to do is plug in your invite code at and complete the forms. If accepted, we’ll send an email to notify you.

(Email date: July 3, Thursday, 6:41am)
(Email read: July 3, Thursday, 11:45am)

So I signed up right away. I filled out a LONG application form including the first 3 lifestyle questionnaires. Then I immediately got a reply from ümobile:

Umobile invite questionnaires

Thanks for applying and answering the first round of lifestyle questionnaires on the site.

However, there’s another group of lifestyle questionnaires that you left unanswered. Maybe you’d like to go back and complete them so that we can get to know you even better.

(Email date: July 3, Thursday, 12:03 pm)

So I logged in to my ümobile account and answered the remaining set of lifestyle questionnaires. Then I got another email:

Umobile invite thank you

Thanks for applying and finishing the questionnaires!

Your application is being processed. Just sit tight for our email saying that you’ve been approved as a ümobile subscriber.

Then log on to and enter an exciting world of ümobile.

(Email Date: July 3, Thursday, 12:10pm)

After 4 days, my application was approved.

Umobile invite welcome

It’s official! You are now part of the wonderful world of ümobile. As part of the ümobile community, you can call, text, MMS, surf the net, and chat online for free! Well, almost.

Wait for the call from our courier to confirm your SIM delivery details. Upon delivery of your new ümobile SIM, please present 1 valid ID and submit a photocopy of this to the delivery personnel.

(Email Date: July 7, Monday, 9:02pm)

After 3 days, I got a text message from Zip Bus Srvs, the courier hired by Umobile to deliver the SIM. They asked me to call thru landline so we can discuss about the sim delivery. (SMS Date: July 10, Thursday, 4:21pm)

So I called and requested my SIM to be delivered the next day, July 11 at 10am. When she asked for my complete address, I told her that I will send it via text so she won’t have to write it down.

The next day, July 11, Friday, the SIM didn’t arrive at the time I expected, which is 10am. The delivery guy arrived at 2pm. So late! I can’t complain, because it’s just a free sim.

Anyway, here it is, my Umobile SIM!

Umobile SIM pack

Umobile SIM card

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