TxtBuff Updates

TxtBuff News has a new WordPress theme!

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in TxtBuff Updates

TxtBuff News has a new theme. It now has an About page, finally! It still has the same layout but the color scheme was changed from maroon/lime green to pastel blue and green. The new theme is also responsive (mobile friendly). The logo was revised. Blog posts about SMS applications that no longer work will  [...]

TxtBuff now uses QR codes

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in TxtBuff Updates

TxtBuff now uses QR codes for easier copying of text messages from website to mobile phone. Every text message has an equivalent QR code image that can be captured by a mobile phone and automatically decoded into a text message. To do this, all you need is a Symbian or Windows based mobile phone with [...]

TxtBuff now allows rating of text messages

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in TxtBuff Updates

TxtBuff now has an added feature which allows rating of text messages. Registered members can rate any text messages they like. And the text message with the highest rating will appear on the front page for everyone to see. 5 stars - A must-forward! 4 stars - Worth sharing 3 stars - Just nice to keep 2 stars - Nice, [...]

How I publish text messages on TxtBuff

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in TxtBuff Updates

When I first created TxtBuff, I publish only the text jokes and quotes I receive from friends. Hoping to receive more text quotes, I decided to post my cellphone number on the website. During the first three months, random text messages started coming in but not much. Sometimes I don’t even get any. But the [...]

TxtBuff SMS plugin released

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in TxtBuff Updates

TxtBuff SMS plugin has been released and is now available for download at the Wordpress Plugin directory. This plugin allows Wordpress users to display SMS quotes or text messages on their websites. It can also be customized to display only from a specific category, author or just the latest text messages. [...]

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