

List of emergency load services in the Philippines

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in SMS Services

Globe and Smart started offering these emergency load services a long time ago. These services were called Globe GTSOS and Smart SOS, respectively. TNT also started offering their own emergency load service called SakloLOAD. These services functions the same way as a text loan where it allows subscribers to instantly borrow load, especially in cases of emergency. Once they register to the [...]

List of mobile frequency bands in the Philippines

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in GSM/SMS Technology

Do you want to know how much frequency bandwidth is allocated to each network provider? Below is a list of GSM, UMTS and LTE frequency bands allocated to Smart, Globe, Sun Cellular, Bayantel and Extelcom. This list is useful for those who want to know if their handset/device is compatible with their chosen  [...]

List of mobile number prefixes in the Philippines

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in GSM/SMS Technology

Do you want to know which mobile phone number belongs to which network? Below is a list of mobile number prefixes used by Globe, Smart, Sun Cellular, Red Mobile, Talk 'N Text, and Touch Mobile. This list is useful for those who often subscribe to unlimited text or call services.  [...]

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