TACS Alarm, GSM controlled anti-carjacking device

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in SMS Applications

TACS Alarm logoTACS Alarm is an anti-carjacking device that can be controlled using a GSM mobile phone. It can be installed on motor vehicles such as sedans, SUVs, trucks and even on motorcycles. TACS Alarm was invented in 2006 by Gilbert Sta. Rita. Then, it was patented in the Philippines in 2008.

This device features two alarm modes:

Mode 1

Turn on Mode 1 when your car is parked. While you are away and your car door was opened or the ignition key was turned on or in the case of motorcycles, towed or carried off, TACS Alarm will call your cellphone. The carjacker can never turn on the engine because TACS Alarm will automatically immobilize it. Turn off Mode 1 when you want to use your car again.

Turn on Hornblaster if you want your vehicle to blast its horn loud enough to grab attention from bystanders while being carjacked. It can also be turned off when parked near churches, schools, or hospitals.

Mode 2

Turn on Mode 2 before you drive your car or motorcycle on the road. When a carjacker threatens you to get off your vehicle and takes control of  it, call the assigned TACS alarm provided number and your vehicle’s engine will be automatically immobilized. Turn off Mode 2 when you want to use your car again.

Watch the video to see TACS Alarm in action:


[Source: TACS Alarm Website]

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