Unlimited texting promos as of August 2008

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in Text Prices and Promos

Listed below are the current unlimited texting promos of Sun Cellular, Globe, and Smart.

Sun Cellular

Call & Text Combo 10
10mins. of Sun-to-Sun calls
40 Sun-to-Sun texts
10 texts to other networks
valid for 1 day

CTC 10 and send to 223

Call & Text Combo 20
25mins. of Sun-to-Sun calls
80 Sun-to-Sun texts
25 texts to other networks
valid for 1 day

CTC 20 and send to 223

Text Unlimited 20
Unlimited Sun-to-Sun texting
valid for 2 days

TU 20 to 247

Text Unlimited 50
Unlimited Sun-to-Sun texting
1 hour voice calls
valid for 7 days

TU 50 to 247

Text Unlimited 150
Unlimited Sun-to-Sun texting
4 hours voice calls
valid for 30 days

TU 150 to 247

Globe Telecom

Unlimited Globe-to-Globe and Globe-to-Touch Mobile texting

Unlimited All Day Texting
Php 20 – unlimited texting for 1 day (until Oct 21, 2008)

Text UNLITXT20 to 2870

Php 40 – unlimited texting for 2 days (until Oct 21, 2008)

Text UNLITXT40 to 2870

Php 80 – unlimited texting for 5 days (until Oct 21, 2008)

Text UNLITXT80 to 2870

Unlimited Daytime Texting (8am to 4:59pm)
Php 15 – unlimited texting for 1 day (until Oct 21, 2008)

Text UNLITXTD15 to 2870

Php 30 – unlimited texting for 2 days (until Oct 21, 2008)

Text UNLITXTD30 to 2870

Unlimited Nighttime Texting (10pm to 7:59pm)
Php 10 – unlimited texting for 1 day (until Oct 21, 2008)

Text UNLITXTN10 to 2870

Php 20 – unlimited texting for 2 days (until Oct 21, 2008)

Text UNLITXTN20 to 2870

DTI# 2374 series of 2008

Smart Communications

P25 = Unlimited texts SMART to SMART/Talk ‘N Text
& 10 texts to other networks
Promo runs until October 31, 2008.
Per DTI- NCR Permit No. 1920, Series of 2008

UNLI25 to 258

P20 = 100 texts SMART to SMART/Talk ‘N Text
& 10 texts to other networks
Promo runs until October 31, 2008.
Per DTI-NCR Permit No. 1918, Series of 2008.

Text AT20 to 2827

P40 = 200 texts SMART to SMART/Talk ‘N Text
& 20 texts to other networks
Promo runs until October 31, 2008.
Per DTI-NCR Permit No. 2046, Series of 2008.

Text AT40 to 2827

P50 = 300 texts SMART to SMART/Talk ‘N Text
& 30 texts to other networks
Promo runs until October 31, 2008.
Per DTI-NCR Permit No. 2046, Series of 2008.

Text AT50 to 2827

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