TxtBuff now allows rating of text messages

Posted on by Caroline Siñel in TxtBuff Updates

TxtBuff now has an added feature which allows rating of text messages. Registered members can rate any text messages they like. And the text message with the highest rating will appear on the front page for everyone to see.

5 stars – A must-forward!
4 stars – Worth sharing
3 stars – Just nice to keep
2 stars – Nice, but not enough
1 star – I don’t get it

Only registered members are allowed to rate. Members need to sign in to start rating and can only vote once per text message. The text message with the highest rating will appear on the front page. If a text message has the highest rating in its category, it will appear in a prominent area in the category page it belongs.

So start rating for your favorite text messages now! Those text messages that made you smile, laugh, or cry, messages that have touched you in one way or another. Choose your favorites by rating them! It’s a good way of telling others what text messages you think they shouldn’t miss!

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